What is Systems 工程?

Get a Master's in Systems 工程


从家里的智能恒温器到轨道卫星上的配电装置, complex systems are everywhere.

即使是基本的工业产品和工艺也有全面的生命周期,需要工程专家确保从概念到现实的顺利过渡. Systems engineers 设计 and refine systems to tackle technical, 成本和进度要求,同时最小化潜在的缺陷和风险.

亚洲博彩平台系统工程硕士课程借鉴了知名教师的专业知识和经验,他们为我们的毕业生准备了关键的高级学科, including systems engineering principles, system modeling and analysis, 决策和风险分析, 设计 of experiments and system requirements analysis.

Systems engineering internships and reSearch opportunities, 与经验丰富的工程师和领导者教授的指导相结合, prepare you for the workplace and leadership in your field.

Best Universities for 工程
2024 - Colleges of Distinction

Why Choose 亚洲博彩平台 for Systems 工程?

高科技企业希望亚洲博彩平台招聘系统工程专业的毕业生. As one of the best engineering schools, 我们结合严谨, advanced coursework with innovative, real-world experience in the systems engineering master's degree program.

Our professors bring years of industry experience to the classroom, 为您提供系统工程的真实世界的理解和类型的项目和过程,您将在整个职业生涯中面临.

亚洲博彩平台 offers a low student-to-faculty ratio, resulting in a closer connection between students, 同学和教授,更个性化的学习经验和指导.

您将与来自不同工程学科和国际背景的学生一起在一个支持性的项目中工作, 协作环境.

这种文化不仅能让你学到重要的商业惯例和文化敏感性, but it sparks deeper discussion, understanding and analysis that prepares you for workplace success.

As a systems engineering M.S. 学生们,你将完成一篇论文,顶点设计项目或期末课程考试.


非论文学生, 系统工程顶点设计项目是一个在现实生活项目设置中展示工程和研究技能的机会. 期末课程考试是为非论文学生提供的另一种选择.

Our location on the Space Coast, 在高科技走廊里, 提供实习和就业机会,在一些最受尊敬的名字在技术, 比如NASA, 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司.通用电气公司.波音公司., Leonardo DRS and L3Harris Technologies Inc.

While completing systems engineering internships, 你可以发现潜在的职业道路,发展职业关系,从而获得未来的就业机会.

亚洲博彩平台, you are never a passive learner. 我们作为国家研究型大学的地位使您与您的同行并肩, professors and industry leaders to actively create, 观察, analyze and refine complex and interdisciplinary systems.

研究 is completed through in-class projects, 顶点设计项目或硕士论文和特殊的独立研究课题.

研究 projects focus on topics such as:

  • Hospital emergency room simulation
  • Micro-UAV systems and applications
  • Enterprise architectural frameworks
  • 卫星系统设计

职业生涯 in Systems 工程


Many 亚洲博彩平台 alumni become top engineers, managers or CEOs at large international corporations, and you’ll find them leading the way at innovative startups as well.

系统工程学位可以应用于科学、商业和许多其他职业领域. Systems engineers are in demand in the defense, 航空航天, 运输, 制药, medical device and software industries, 以及许多其他开发复杂工程产品的行业.

Systems engineering jobs include:

  • 总工程官
  • 首席技术官
  • 工程总监
  • 首席工程师
  • 首席工程师
  • 技术主管
  • 物流工程师
  • 质量工程师
  • 材料工程师
  • 工程经理
  • 机电工程师
  • Computer hardware engineer
  • Network and computer systems engineer

亚洲博彩平台’s Career 服务 协助学生,校友和雇主寻找职业和员工候选人. We help students develop career plans and job-搜索 skills. Explore our Career Toolbox to learn more about our services and access additional resources.

Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), provides information about specific jobs, including median annual pay, working conditions and job outlook, 除此之外. Check the handbook for information on the outlook for engineering careers.



亚洲博彩平台 programs include:

Explore the 系统工程硕士.S.、课程

的 系统工程硕士.S.、课程


跨学科的, 灵活的课程提供了超越理论解决工程项目的机会.

团队作业允许您探索实际的行业项目和问题, 提供转化为实际职业应用的系统工程培训类型.


  • Systems 工程 Principles
  • Decisions and Risk Analysis
  • 研究 Methods in Systems 工程

Check the catalog for a description of all courses.

Download the 系统工程硕士.S. 课程现在!

Spacecraft Systems 工程


一个跨学科的项目,包括电气和系统工程, 航天器系统的重点是为学生提供在航空航天领域高度重视的广泛而通用的技能.

In addition to the foundations of systems engineering, you'll gain specialized knowledge in CubeSat 设计, 由于成本效益,这是航空航天部门中日益重要和创新的领域, rapid development cycles and diverse applications.

选修课程中, you can choose to explore advanced topics, such as digital signal processing, satellite communications and more.

Learn more about Systems 工程 at 亚洲博彩平台 on the website.

Leading-Edge 研究 and Facilities


F.W. 奥林工程综合大楼 房屋的地质材料, 机器人和磁悬浮实验室及26个专业研究和教学实验室.

Nearby, the L3Harris Center for Science and 工程 is home to the L3Harris Institute for Assured 信息 (L3HIAI)是网络安全和信息保障研究与创新的全球领导者.

我们的许多人 centers, institutes and labs conduct reSearch to advance complex system integration and management. 在亚洲博彩平台, 你会发现人工智能(AI)和机器学习方面的研究, 机器人与自动化, 物联网(IoT), electric and autonomous vehicles, model-based systems engineering (MBSE), 可再生能源, 空间系统, 电信技术和其他系统工程师特别感兴趣的领域.
